[dkim-milter-discuss] Adding mysql support to dkim-filter.conf
Andrew Beverley
2010-12-19 14:08:34 UTC

I am considering writing a patch to allow the list of DKIM domains to be
pulled from a mysql database.

I host lots of virtual domains, all of which are configured through
mysql, so all I have to do when I add a domain to my mail system is to
insert some database entries. However, I also need to separately add the
domain to /etc/mail/dkim-domains. It would be nice for dkim-milter to
also be able pull its list of domains from mysql.

Would such a patch be considered for inclusion? Are there any downfalls
to be aware of?

I was going to keep it simple to begin with, and just add configuration
values for the database details and query string to dkim-milter.conf


2010-12-19 18:02:43 UTC
Hi Andy,
Post by Andrew Beverley
I am considering writing a patch to allow the list of DKIM domains to be
pulled from a mysql database.
OpenDKIM already supports that. I suggest using it instead of writing a patch.

Andrew Beverley
2010-12-19 20:01:53 UTC
Post by SM
Hi Andy,
Post by Andrew Beverley
I am considering writing a patch to allow the list of DKIM domains to be
pulled from a mysql database.
OpenDKIM already supports that. I suggest using it instead of writing a patch.
Thanks, just what I was looking for - I'd not seen that project up until
now. Exactly why I sent a note to the mailing list before doing any


